Tendinopathy is a broad term that refers to tendon degeneration characterized by pain, swelling, and decreased performance. The exact cause is unknown. According to research, it is an overuse condition that leads to insufficient tendon repair, which predisposes the tendon to microtears and degeneration. The rotator cuff (supraspinatus tendon), wrist extensors (lateral epicondyle) and pronators (medial epicondyle), patellar and quadriceps tendons, and Achilles tendon are all common site.
There is a lot we don't know about tendinopathy, but there are some unavoidable truths you should be aware of.
- Tendinopathy is not similar to tendinitis: Tendinitis is an acute inflammation of a tendon, whereas tendinopathy is a broader term that includes both acute inflammation and chronic tendon degeneration.
- Tendinopathy can affect anyone: It is a common condition that can affect athletes, recreational exercisers, and even people who work in jobs that require repetitive tasks.
- Overuse: Tendinopathy is frequently caused by repetitive overuse or excessive loading of the tendon, resulting in microscopic damage and impaired healing.
- Rest is not always the best option: While some rest may be necessary at first, prolonged rest can actually slow down the healing process. Returning to activity gradually, guided by a healthcare professional, is often more beneficial.
- Eccentric exercise is a crucial component of treatment: Eccentric exercises that involve lengthening the tendon while it is under load have been illustrated to be effective in the treatment of tendinopathy. They aid in the rebuilding of tendon strength and the promotion of tissue healing.
- Address biomechanical factors: Correcting factors such as improper technique, muscle imbalances, and training errors can help relieve symptoms and prevent tendinopathy from recurring.
- Multifaceted management: Treatment for tendinopathy often consists of a combination of interventions such as exercise therapy, strengthening exercises, manual therapy, modalities such as ultrasound or laser therapy, and, in some cases, corticosteroid injections.
- Recovery: Tendinopathy is a condition that heals slowly, so it may take several weeks to months for a full recovery. To prevent re-injury, it's critical to exercise patience, adhere to a detailed treatment plan, and gradually increase activity levels.
- Prevention: Engaging inappropriate warm-up and cool-down routines, gradually increasing exercise volume and intensity, maintaining correct technique, and addressing any underlying factors causing overuse are all important ways to lower the risk of developing tendinopathy.